Annual Poetry Forum

Sena Havasy – Facilitator

November 25, 2012

Sena Havasy, Facilitator
Sena Havasy, Facilitator


This program was the annual opportunity for all who wished to read their own poetry or just poetry they enjoyed sharing.   Most of the poems were originals although several were favorites by other authors.




People who shared their poems were:

Bob Gauntt



Dana St. George
Dana St.George





Ken Abraham











Jon Stephens





Kay Culpepper




Martin Squibbs
Sena Havasy













Helen Athey
Helen Athey

Ric Coccaro
Ric Coccaro










Poems shared:

Martin Squibbs:

Sena Havasy:


We Need A New Paradigm – Punishment Is Not Working

Dorsey E. Nunn

November 18, 2012

Dorsey Nunn

Mr. Nunn, Executive Director for Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, He is the co-founder of All of Us or None, a civil and human rights organization comprised of formerly incarcerated people, prisoners and their allies. He is also a formerly-incarcerated person. He is a former co-chair of the Standing Committee on Legal Services For Prisoners for the State Bar of California. He is a former co-chair of the Institution and Alternative Section for the National Legal Aid and Defenders Association. He has been on the board of Legal Aid Association of California. He is the former chair of the Criminal Justice Consortium.  He is a member of the National Organizing Committee for Critical Resistance and a founding member of Critical Resistance. He is the co-founder of Free at Last, a community based recovery and rehabilitation center. He hosted a radio program (KPFA in San Francisco) on criminal justice related issues. He has spoken extensively on issues relating to prisoners, their children and family members at numerous conferences, workshops and demonstrations, including voter registration and rights.

Mr. Nunn has won numerous awards including, The Human Excellence Award presented by the San Francisco Muslim Community Center, Certificate of Appreciation presented by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition presented by Congresswoman Anna Eshoo. He was a 1996-1998 California Wellness Fellow. Most recently Mr. Nunn was awarded the prestigious Fannie Lou Hamer award from the African American Studies Department at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dorsey Nunn, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, 1540 Market St., Ste. 490, San Francisco, CA 94102
415/255-7036, Ext. 312 or 415/516-9599 (cell phone).  (


Humanist Community Forum (2012-11-18): We Need A New Paradigm – Punishment Is Not Working (Dorsey E. Nunn) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Humanist Manifesto Discussion

Sandy Smith and Arthur Jackson, Coordinators

November 11, 2012


What does Humanism mean to you?  What would you include in a Humanist Manifesto for yourself?  At today’s Forum we will discuss these questions, compare ideas, and learn something about the range of ideas Humanists have.

Material from the 10/7/12 program, “Humanist Manifestos” by Sandy Smith will be available prior to this meeting.

The group divided into tables of six for thought-provoking discussions of  ideas for inclusion in a Manifesto.

The Propositions on the November, 2012 Ballot

Alex Havasy

November 4, 2012

Alex Havasy


Humanist Community member Alex Havasy will present summaries of the 11 state propositions on the November ballot.

The summary will include the main arguments in favor of and against each proposition, who is financing it, and how various organizations recommend you vote.

This presentation led to a lively and very informative discussion.  Glad I waited to fill out my ballot!