In addition to the poem below, Sena Havasy has contributed a fascinating History of the Easter Holiday as well as information on special dates in the Spring Calendar.
Reclaim the Spring Festival!
Honor the rebirth of the slumbering Earth,
Bursting with new life, It sends forth
the promise of future abundance
From deep in the dark, yeasty earth.
Do not tell us that on this day we must
Bow down, entering into a place and a mind set
That tells us about birth without sex, dying without death,
Trinities of power with no feminine, and eternal damnation!
Let every egg and rabbit and flowering tree remind us of
The green magic of the burgeoning earth, whose festival this is.
Walk through the greening fields and the flowering orchards,
Eagerly responding to life’s imperative, ‘Be fruitful!”
Free all the ancient fertility symbols
Reclaim the rabbits copulating in the hedgerows!
Rearing their large broods without thought or knowledge
That they will give with their bodies, life to wild multitudes.
Reclaim that perfect symbol of nurture and rebirth
That iconic shape, the perfect egg,
Growing in strength and power until the time comes
When it will release another living creature into the earth’s tapestry.
And honor the multitudes who came before
Who lived and died, ignorant of many things
But who knew that the earth was their ground of being
And that they owed it respect and nurturance.
This is our good legacy, the fruitful earth,
the living animals and plants
And the drive in all things
to be fruitful and multiply.
Celebrate it! Honor it!
Do not abandon all the richness that should be ours
To those who trivialize life, promulgating bizarre beliefs
Of birth without sex, death without dying
And a trinity with no feminine,
Reclaim the Spring Festival!
by Sena Havasy