Luis Granados

Damned Good Company: Twenty Rebels Who Bucked the God Experts

Luis Granados

April 7, 2013

2013-04-07-Luis-Granados-350The author will provide a program on his book Damned Good Company; a collection of Profiles in Courage for humanists – a book to make humanists proud of themselves.

Damned Good Company is a book about people, not about God. People who have preached about God, taken money for sharing what they say they know about God, and ordered others about to enforce what they claim to be God’s will–and a small band of heroes who stood up to them.

In short, Damned Good Company is a Profiles in Courage for humanists.

Some of the twenty heroes of Damned Good Company are well-known: Erasmus, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, Clarence Darrow, Atatürk, Nehru, Stephen Bantu Biko. Others are not: people like Han Yü, banished from the 9th century Chinese court for questioning the worship of the Buddha’s finger, and Lucy Harris, who came within an inch of deflating Mormonism before it got off the ground.

Each hero is contrasted with a villain of his or her time and place: either a God expert like Martin Luther or Joseph Smith or a cynical politician like Mussolini, who never believed in God but exploited religion shamelessly to advance his political ambition.

The stories in Damned Good Company will inspire those today who want to stand up to the Christian Right, the Muslim fanatics, the oppressiveness of Catholic and Jewish orthodoxy, the rising Hindu Taliban, and everyone else who claims a God-given right to tell the rest of us what to do.

Damned Good Company is available from and all major online ebook retailers.

Humanist Community Forum (2013-04-07): Damned Good Company – Twenty Rebels Who Bucked the God Experts (Luis Granados) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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