The Journey Through Atheism to Humanism, Ethical Culture and Beyond

Peter Bishop

August 26, 2012

Peter Bishop


Here at the Humanist Community, we have some members who, when asked what their religion is, reply with either: “none,” or “atheism,” rather than replying with “Humanism.” Peter will consider the philosophical journey that goes through atheism, which proceeds on to humanism, and also to Ethical Culture, and to show where it may go beyond these points to an even more mature philosophical and religious outlook, which HCSV members may find themselves comfortable describing as Humanism.

Peter, a long-time HCSV member, now lives in Washington, DC.  While here, he set up a Humanist Sunday School, started one of the first Rational Recovery Chapters, and served on the Board of HCSV. Peter will discuss the progress of his views of humanism.

Later in the day Peter spoke on “The Essays of Pope and Bishop.”  This included comments on the Essay on Man by Alexander Pope in 1735, The Gods of Pegana by Lord Dunsany in 1910, and The Ode on Reason and Faith: A Temporal Helix of Twelve Turns by Margaret (Peggy) McConn Bishop.  Peter also referenced The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine and the Halting Problem in Computability Theory.  His major theme is the Separation of Myth and Reality.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-08-26): The Journey Through Atheism to Humanism, Ethical Culture and Beyond (Peter Bishop) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


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