A New Foundation for Civilization: Humanism?

Arthur Jackson

February 17, 2013

Arthur Jackson
Arthur Jackson


Can humanism truly provide a foundation for a society? If not what would it take to do so? Arthur Jackson will lay out his best thinking on this topic.

Arthur is current President of HCSV and Secretary for Humanist Society, AHA (the body that certifies Humanist Celebrants, Ministers, and Chaplains. He Chaired the IHEU Working Party on Humanist Counseling (1968-78). He is also the author of  The Humanist Chapter of the Future and the Future of Humanism (1982, 1993) and  How to Live the Good Life: A User’s Guide for Modern Humans (2011). He worked as AHA’s Assistant Director (1965-69).


Humanist Community Forum (2013-02-17): A New Foundation for Civilization: Humanism? (Arthur Jackson) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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