Why Women?

Why Women?

Mary V. Hughes

Oct 19, 2014


Mary V. Hughes
Mary V. Hughes

American women comprise no more than 25% of the decision-makers across sectors in the US (e.g., corporate boards and executives, the US Congress, law firm partners).

The U.S. ranks well below many industrialized nations when it come to the status of women and policies that support them.

Why does that matter and what is the U.S. losing by failing to support the advancement of women? What would the country gain if women were full partners in all aspects of work and civic life?

Mary V. Hughes is a political strategist, author, and the architect of the Close the Gap CA campaign, www.closethegapca.org.


Humanist Community Forum (2014-10-19): Why Women? (Mary V. Hughes) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.