Systemic Racism and the Black Lives Matter Movement

Mahnani Clay

April 19, 2015

Mahnani Clay moved to San Francisco four years ago and has solidly planted herself in the communities she strives to serve. She started out volunteering in direct services supporting formerly incarcerated women. She now holds leadership roles with both the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club and the San Francisco Black Leadership Forum. She is the Director & Founder of Project CHEER (Community Helping Everyone Encourage Restoration), a community engagement project dedicated to strengthening community connections and amplifying voices that cry out for social justice in support of children, families and communities impacted by incarceration and criminal justice involvement.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-04-19): Systemic Racism and the Black Lives Matter Movement (Mahnani Clay) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.