InStove Update: Cookstoves for the World’s Poorest Communities

Fred Colgan (Co-founder of InStove)

July 12, 2015

InStove ( implements safe, clean, and highly efficient institutional cookstoves and allied technologies in an integrated approach to serving the world’s poorest communities. InStove technologies are now in service in 27 countries, including 17 in sub-Saharan Africa where they mitigate environmental harm, protect and feed women, children and displaced people, and help communities to be self-sustaining and economically independent. Fred Colgan, co-founder of InStove, will discuss InStove’s progress and current projects in this update to his April 21, 2013 Forum presentation.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-07-12): InStove Update – Cookstoves for the World’s Poorest Communities (Fred Colgan) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.