The Evolution of Morality

Dr. Ron Garret

August 9, 2015

Evolution optimizes for only one thing: reproductive fitness. How then can we account for the existence of altruism in nature? This question puzzled scientists and philosophers alike for over 100 years since Darwin first published Origin of Species. It was answered in the mid 1980’s by Robert Axelrod, who is in the opinion of the speaker the most important scientist no one has ever heard of. This talk will describe Axelrod’s work on how Darwinian evolution produces altruism and other moral behaviors.

Ron Garret holds a Ph.D. in computer science, and writes a blog ( covering a wide variety of topics ranging from game theory to quantum mechanics.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-08-09): The Evolution of Morality (Dr. Ron Garret) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.