Represent.Us and The American Anti-Corruption Act

Cilla Raughley

November 15, 2015

In communities across America, Represent.Us members are working together— conservatives, progressives and everyone in between — to pass local Anti-Corruption Acts. Together, member-led Represent.Us chapters are leading the fight to protect our communities from the corruption that plagues Congress. Every town, city, state and county has a unique political makeup, so every Anti-Corruption Act is uniquely tailored to the needs of each community.  Cilla Raughley, an Organizer for the San Francisco Peninsula Chapter of Represent.Us, will present.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-11-15): Represent.Us and The American Anti-Corruption Act (Cilla Raughley) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.