Meet the Candidates for the HCSV Board

February 7, 2016

The candidates for the HCSV Board will make statements and take questions from the audience. The current candidates are Ron Gerber and Will Weyer. HCSV members may vote for one of the candidates. Voting will occur immediately before the Feb. 21 Forum begins.

Ron Gerber

In college, I studied electrical engineering and then switched my major to physics—but my career became software engineering. I did manage to include some biology and psychology classes and now I am very much interested in evolutionary psychology. This field can be very helpful for Humanists who want to understand how conservatives think. I am hoping for more discussions of this area as well as the historical development of human culture, including science and technology. I would also like to be involved in music appreciation activities. We live in a high-tech world that can have a dehumanizing effect but also gives possibilities for improving the quality of life.