The Impact of Factory Farming on Animals, Poor People, and the Planet

Amy Halpern-Laff

March 6, 2016

Factory farming has devastating impact, not only on the animals but also on the factory and slaughterhouse workers, many of whom are undocumented, the planet, and public health. We’ll look at the animal agriculture industry and its repercussions, and discuss how we can make a difference. Amy Halpern-Laff earned her JD at Stanford Law School, and is a full-time advocate and mentor, apportioning her time among animal rights, prison reform, poverty reduction, and education equity. She gives presentations for the Factory Farm Awareness Coalition (


Humanist Community Forum (2016-03-06): The Impact of Factory Farming on Animals, Poor People, and the Planet (Amy Halpern-Laff) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download