My Personal Path to Humanism

Debbie Allen

September 4, 2016

Debbie Allen has been active in the humanist movement since 2008, when she attended two lectures hosted by a small humanist group at the San Diego Library. These two encounters prompted her to attend the AHA conference that June in Washington DC, and to participate in Lobby Day with the Secular Coalition of America. She has been passionately invested in the freethought movement ever since. Debbie Allen is the immediate past president of the Humanist Fellowship of San Diego, coordinator of the San Diego Coalition of Reason, board member of the American Humanist Association, board president of the Humanist Society, board secretary of the Reason Rally Coalition, Inc., and a volunteer humanist chaplain with the Humanist Society and the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers. Note: Debbie is being considered for the position of Executive Director of The Humanist Community.


Humanist Community Forum (2016-09-04): My Personal Path to Humanism (Debbie Allen) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.