Making a Difference in Social Entrepreneurship

Raj Desai

March 26, 2017

Raj Desai , an Indo-American, born in Malawi, East Africa, immigrated to the USA from London, England. He has devoted over 30 years in supporting and building several non profits in Silicon Valley. During this time, Raj had the privilege of connecting with India, and was included on a trip to India with President Bill Clinton. Recently Raj joined the India Community Center ( as the CEO. ICC was established 12 years ago to serve the local Indo American Community. It offers numerous Indo cultural activities for kids, adults and seniors hosted at three facilities; two in Milpitas and one in Cupertino.

Humanist Community Forum (2017-03-26): Making a Difference in Social Entrepreneurship (Raj Desai) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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