What the Heck is Sunday Assembly?

Gillian Claus

October 1, 2017

Sunday Assembly has been described as the best bits of church without the god bits. It is a congregation without supernatural elements, and pop songs instead of hymns. It absolutely is not a cult (which is admittedly exactly what we would say if it was a cult.) Come and find out the story behind this celebration of life which is now happening in 70 cities around the world.

Gillian Claus is a founder and director of Sunday Assembly Silicon Valley (https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Silicon-Valley/). She is a Humanist celebrant, and enjoys reinventing ritual and singing out loud.

Humanist Community Forum (2017-10-01): What the Heck is Sunday Assembly? (Gillian Claus) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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