Pluralism in the Muslim Community

Maha ElGenaidi

October 8, 2017

Maha ElGenaidi, President and CEO of Islamic Networks Group (ING), will present the basic beliefs and practice of Muslims, and give a brief overview of their history and of notable Muslims today. She will address common misconceptions about Islam relating to extremism and women’s rights as well as Islam’s perspectives on pluralism and other faiths, including Judaism and Christianity.

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, ING is a national educational outreach organization with affiliates and partners in 20 states, Canada and the United Kingdom. ING promotes interfaith dialogue and education about world religions and their contributions to civilization by annually delivering thousands of presentations and other educational programs in schools, universities, law enforcement agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, and community centers. Reaching hundreds of groups and tens of thousands of individuals a year at the local, grassroots level, ING is building bridges among people of all faiths.

Ms. ElGenaidi, who has an MA in religious studies from Stanford University, has presented to hundreds of schools, churches, synagogues, police departments, corporations and other public agencies and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs. She is the author of seven training handbooks on outreach for American Muslims as well as eight training modules for public institutions on “developing cultural competency with the American Muslim community”. Currently active with many state and federal governmental agencies, Ms. ElGenaidi was a commissioner on Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante’s Commission for One California and the Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission. She also serves as an advisor to California’s Commission on Police Officers Standards and Training for cultural diversity and hate crimes. She is a recipient of numerous civil rights awards, including the “Citizen of the Year” Award from the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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