Humanist Heaven

Jim Barnett

October 15, 2017

For humanists, what would heaven look like? Clearly it would be here on earth and its inhabitants would use their reason, science and compassion to bring it about. Everyone would be equal and all their basic needs provided and they would live lives of meaning and fulfillment. It would be a happy place. Does Humanist Heaven exist here and now, anywhere? Well no, but there are countries that approach these ideals. Arguably the Scandinavian countries are about as close as it gets to Humanist Heaven… at least now.

Jim Barnett will describe Scandinavian Social Democracy, what are its defining characteristics and its historical development. Will these countries be able to weather the challenges of the modern world such as immigration and globalization and can the United States become more like a Social Democracy?

Jim Barnett is the organizer of the Bay Area Humanists Meetup group (see

Humanist Community Forum (2017-10-15): Humanist Heaven (Jim Barnett) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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