Peter Bishop
11 a.m., April 21, 2019
Peter Bishop, a longtime Humanist Community member and leader (before his move back east a few years ago), will talk about the transition from Edwin H. Wilson at the American Humanist Association (AHA) and Arthur Jackson’s arrival in San Jose, and the early very successful years of the Humanist Community after Arthur Jackson arrived, what happened to bring it to an end, and the struggle to reconstitute the Community with Peter Bishop as an early leader.
Please join us for a buffet lunch at 12:30pm. If you’re a student, or a first-timer to an HCSV event, lunch is on us. Otherwise, please help by chipping in $10 (or whatever you can afford).
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Note: If you would like to speak at a Forum, or know of someone who you think might be willing to speak at a Forum, please send an email about your idea to the HCSV Program Committee.