Are Two Heads Better Than One?

Arthur Jackson

11 a.m., September 15, 2019

Arthur Jackson will focus this talk on Chapter 19 of his book “How to Live the Good Life: A Users Guide for Modern Humans”. Chapter 19 is entitled “Organizing for an Enlightened Community Made up of Enlightened Persons.”

His talk will focus on “Wisdom Groups.” These groups would bring together interested people to share their dreams, hopes, joys, and enthusiasms to live in and create a better world. These groups would gather together persons to discuss and learn to live lives that are based on new forms of ethics.

These new ethics would be derived from the wisdom of past times that are validated by the use of the Scientific Method, and not blind obedience to ancient texts and writings. They would also discuss current, and potential future circumstances that might require the revision of society’s, and their own, personal, collective ethical stances.

This presentation will allow plenty of time do discuss how such groups might be implemented in various communities such as the Humanist Community, and in others.

Arthur Jackson is the author of the book “How to Live the Good Life: A Users Guide for Modern Humans” ( He is also a long-time leader in the Humanist Community in Silicon
Valley, serving as is President for many terms over the last more than 40 years, and otherwise actively involved. He has long thought of how to create communities that cause all members to thrive and achieve the best of what they can be.

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

2019-09-15 Arthur Jackson from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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