Race, Police, and Prisons: The American Gulag

Dr. Sharat G. Lin

11 a.m., September 13, 2020

Because of the coronavirus situation, this Forum will be held online.

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This online Forum will be on the topic of:

“Race, Police, and Prisons: The American Gulag”

The mass protests in response to the police killing of George Floyd are the culmination of years of police killings of unarmed black and brown people caught on video progressively etching new levels of consciousness about the problems of institutionalized racism, militarized policing, punitive incarceration, and the immigration detention system. This is the U.S. norm, but it is not normal around the world. Dr. Sharat G. Lin discusses other models of criminal justice, how we got here, what needs to change, and his own arrest.

Dr. Lin is with the San José Peace and Justice Center, Human Agenda, Initiative for Equality, and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Committee. He writes and lectures on global political economy, labor migration, social movements, and public health. He was responsible for successfully pressuring the San José Police Department to abolish its arbitrary checkpoints solely during Cinco de Mayo. He has observed different police practices around the world.


Race, Police, and Prisons: The American Gulag – Dr. Sharat G. Lin from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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