The Poor People’s Campaign

Rev. Rowan Fairgrove & Masen Ewald

11 a.m., March 14, 2021

At this Sunday’s Humanist Forum, Rev. Rowan Fairgrove and Masen Ewald will discuss “The Poor People’s Campaign” – its past, its present, and how to get involved with the modern Campaign.

In 1968 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King launched the Poor People’s Campaign. After his assassination, a gathering in Washington DC drew over 50,000 people. But with Dr. King’s death and the death of campaign supporter Sen. Robert Kennedy, the movement fizzled.

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber. Jr., and Rev. Dr Liz Theoharis and others have revived a Modern Poor People’s Campaign. Dr. Barber says, “You cannot separate systemic racism from systemic poverty from ecological devastation from the war economy from the distorted moral narrative of Christian nationalism…”. With bus tours, demonstrations and civil disobedience and working on a moral vision based on the constitution and world religious values they have campaign committees in 47 states and are fighting to bring their intersectional, fusion agenda to the country. Come and learn about the Campaign (past and present) and how to get involved.

Rev. Rowan Fairgrove, EPs, has been volunteering with the Poor People’s Campaign since 2018. She attended the PPC National Congress in Washington DC in 2019. She helped with the M.O.R.E. tour stop in San Francisco of December 2019 and is part of the Bay Area PPC Faith Leaders Outreach Working Group.

Masen Ewald supports individuals and organizations in realizing the magnitude of our profound societal crises and actualizing their own commitment to joyful service. Masen is a social entrepreneur, compassion facilitator, and consultant. He serves as Executive Director of A New Republic of the Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that educates and empowers change-agents and spiritual practitioners to engage in social transformation. He is also a certified Ambassador of Compassion via Stanford University’s CCARE, Co-Creator of the State of Emergence podcast, and a member of Poor People’s Campaign California.


The Poor People’s Campaign – Rev. Rowan Fairgrove & Masen Ewald from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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