Peaceful Death: Another Option?

Jim Van Buskirk

11 a.m., May 30, 2021

At this Sunday Forum, Jim Van Buskirk will discuss “Peaceful Death: Another Option?”.

California’s “End of Life Option Act” took effect in June 2016 allowing patients to request — and physicians to prescribe — life-ending medications. However only ten states currently have such laws, and some people desiring a death with dignity don’t meet states’ strict criteria. There exists another potential option: for over 25 years Final Exit Network, which grew out of the Hemlock Society founded by Derek Humphry, has been supporting those who wish to hasten their own deaths. Learn more about this important organization, what it does and how it addresses the needs of potential clients who are not necessarily terminally ill.

Also discussed will be the shortcomings of Advance Directives. Many communities are served only by religious-affiliated hospitals and nursing homes, which refuse to honor certain AD requests. In other cases, medical staff simply ignore the requests. Even for those not looking to hasten their death, FEN serves as a strong advocate for members who need help getting their legally enforceable wishes honored.

Presented by Jim Van Buskirk, Final Exit Network Regional Coordinator.


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Peaceful Death: Another Option? – Jim Van Buskirk from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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