A vision for growing the Secular Movement

Dave Rice

11 a.m., March 6, 2022

The “Secular Movement” is in serious need of some turbo-charging to help get it to the next several levels, and achieve an acceptable status in the US. We have an excellent template with the success of the LGBTQ movement, which achieved its ultimate goal of marriage equality much sooner than it thought it could.
This discussion will look at some key things that need to happen for Secularism to take hold in America, including:
– The need for an overall strategy and set of goals, some of which may seem unattainable
– The need to engage media and entertainment at all levels, to help provide acceptance and change the hearts and minds of many who remain misinformed in our country
– The need to create partnerships and build true coalitions among groups of various stripes and colors within our movement
– How getting involved with your community’s United Nations Association, which promotes the goals of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its related Sustainable Development Goals for the world, applied to your own community, can significantly help move the needle.

About Dave Rice
For the past 25+ years, ever since ‘converting’ from evangelical Christianity to Humanism, I’ve become increasingly involved in helping the Secular Movement push forward. This has led to a number of different activities, including:
– helping form and lead a coalition of secular groups in Southern California (SoCal Secular Coalition), including planning two annual leadership summits, and a first annual virtual conference.
– becoming president of the United Nations Association-Orange County chapter of UNA-USA, with a focus on implementing the Sustainable Development Goals for the world (SDGs, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) here in Orange County
– starting local secular community groups that meet weekly
– creating and working on a Strategic Plan for the secular movement
– meeting with leaders of various national secular organizations
– joining the board of the Humanist Association of Orange County (CA)

I fully support the “CASE” approach to building secular communities… focusing on Community, Advocacy, Service and Education, and urge secular groups to adopt this broad approach to activism, with a focus on working together to leverage all our combined resources, and create a more effective mobilizing presence in each key area. I am especially committed to promoting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all of which highlight essential Humanist values, and to improving the movement’s overall ability to market, educate, organize and fundraise for key organizations like Secular Student Alliance (SSA), Secular Coalition for America (SCA), American Humanist Association (AHA) and others.

I’m not particularly interested in trying to ‘convert’ current ‘nonbelievers’ to Humanism, but rather to fill the overwhelming need of helping give the many who are leaving religion but have no idea of the existence of such a fulfilling belief system, an inspiring community for them to land and identify with. That… and working with many other groups and organizations who are all trying to solve many of society’s problems. As the saying goes: “By their fruits shall you know them”.

Sentientism – Dave Rice from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo


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