GeoEngineering for Climate

Sudhanshu “Suds” Jain

11 a.m., May 22, 2022

According to many experts, we have fewer than 10 years to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions if we want to stay below 1.5 degrees C of global temperature rise. Achieving this goal seems highly unlikely. We do know that the Earth cools for about 2 years after every major volcanic eruption. This effect has caused famines in Europe. We know now that volcanos inject millions of tons of sulfur into the Stratosphere which reflects sunlight back into space. Some people have proposed injecting particles in the Stratosphere to cool the earth. Suds Jain has been working for almost 10 years on a different scheme to make Marine boundary Layer clouds brighter by spraying purified seawater into the air. He considers these schemes as purely insurance policies to avoid catastrophic effects of global heating. He advocates for research but not deployment as he prefers first Herculean efforts to eliminate fossil fuel use. He will also discuss other GeoEngineering schemes to capture CO2 from the air and sequester it.

Background Info: NOVA episode on GeoEngineering:

Sudhanshu “Suds” Jain designed integrated circuits for 25 years. In 2008 he decided that the impending Climate crisis was far more important than designing the next switch chip for computer networking and he “retired” from Broadcom Corporation to become a “professional volunteer”. He also coached a FIRST Lego League team for 5 years and he cofounded the high school FTC robotics team at Wilcox High School and has coached it for the past 8 years. He currently serves on the Santa Clara City Council.

He’s active with Citizen’s Climate Lobby which advocates for a Carbon Tax with 100% revenue recycling (dividends to consumers). He’s taught a weekly “Climate Change Science” class to middle school students at Discovery Charter School since 2011. He has been working with Silver Lining Marine Cloud Brightening team since 2012. Sudhanshu holds BSEE and MSEE degrees from MIT.

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GeoEngineering for Climate – Suds Jain
from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


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