Heather Rigby
11 a.m., July 31, 2022
This Sunday Heather Rigby will talk to us about the Secular Coalition for America. The Coalition advocates for religious freedom and works to defend the equal rights of nonreligious Americans. It represents 20 national secular organizations, hundreds of local secular communities, and works with allies in the faith community. It combines the power of grassroots activism with professional lobbying to make an impact on the laws and policies that govern separation of religion and government.
Heather Rigby, Communications Manager of the Secular Coalition of America, comes from a background in education and public/educational/government media. She has earned awards from the American Association of University Women and the Alliance for Community Media, presented at conferences on topics including social media engagement and volunteer programs for nonprofits, and served on committees for media organizations and a library. Her passion is a good story — hearing or telling. As a child, Heather spent time immersed in the stories told by elders and veterans at the senior center and VFW where her grandfather volunteered and was a member. This turned into an academic career dedicated to understanding how stories build community and shape society, with a desire to have people’s stories take the lead in advocacy.
220731 Heather Rigby.mp4 from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.
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