Werner Haag
11 a.m., September 18, 2022
Werner Haag will discuss the history of atheism, with information taken predominantly from the comprehensive book entitled “Doubt” by Jennifer Michael Hecht.
Skepticism is as old as religion and seems to occur in all religions, as far back as historical records go, some several hundred years BCE. Thus, doubt goes much farther back than the scientific revolutions of a few hundred years ago, and even before the famous ancient Greek philosophers. Join us through this journey of doubt from ancient times in India, through the dark ages of Christianity and Islam in Europe and the Middle East, through the Enlightenment era and the Neo-atheism of the 21st century.
Carneades, ca. 330 BCE:
“If Gods greatest gift to man is the gift of reason, why did he distribute it so unequally?”
Werner Haag is the current President of the ACSJ, has a Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry, and has presented many times at scientific conferences and to various Atheist and Humanist groups on topics such as the Biological Origins of Morality, and Examples of Real-time Evolution.
220918 Werner Haag.mp4 from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.
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