Hank Pellissier
11 a.m., October 23, 2022
Join the Humanist Forum this Sunday at 11 AM, in person OR on Zoom.
Hank Pellissier, founder and director of the nonprofit Humanist Global Charity, will be in Mountain View to discuss “Humanist Help in the Danger Zones”.
Afghanistan, civil war-torn Myanmar, and northern Nigeria are viewed as “off-limits” to Westerners, but Humanist Global Charity successfully delivers aid in these areas.
In Afghanistan, funds are sent via cryptocurrency wallets to refugees, victims of Taliban persecution, and a “secret school” run by teenagers.
In Myanmar, aid is provided to jungle refugee camps, an orphanage, and a safe house for battered wives, by wiring funds to Burmese Atheists accounts outside the nation.
In northern Nigeria, a region plagued by Boko Haram terrorism, Humanist Global Charity and on-the-ground closeted secularists fund an internet cafe, ice cream factory, and communal shelter for 120 homeless street boys.
Humanist Global Charity also set up mutual aid groups in India, Uganda, and Zambia, and it expanded to Tanzania, Kenya, Bangladesh, Mexico, and Nepal.
This lecture provides an overview of its recent activities, with an emphasis on the poorest, most violent areas.
In addition to founding Humanist Global Charity, our presenter Hank Pellissier is director of Share The World Club.
He was a columnist at NYTimes, SFGate.com, Salon.com, education writer at GreatSchools.org, performance artist, and Poetry Slam co-champ.
He launched the world’s first atheist film festival, the world’s first atheist orphanage, two cooperative preschools, and a comedy institute.
He produced eight transhumanist conferences, and was Managing Director of the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technology think tank.
He believes in economic equity, geo-tinyism, and “information wants to be free.”
You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists in the Maple Room at the Mountain View Community Center, 201 S Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View. Lunch will be served after the forum at a nominal fee.
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