Drs. Lilliana Mason and Nathan Kalmoe
11 a.m., November 20, 2022
Join the Humanist Forum this Sunday at 11 AM, in person OR on Zoom.
At this Sunday’s Humanist Forum, we will watch and discuss a video from the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University on Understanding Radical American Partisanship.
Political violence is rising in the United States, alarming citizens and leaders alike. How many Americans endorse partisan violence and other forms of extreme hostility? What are its deep social, political, historical, and psychological roots? What can be done about it? And what does it mean for democracy?
In this talk, Drs. Lilliana Mason and Nathan Kalmoe make sense of our contentious politics with a groundbreaking study of radicalism among ordinary American partisans. Their individual-level studies utilize more than a dozen new nationally representative surveys and experiments to trace recent trends since 2017, reactions to elections and violent events, broader conditions that spur support for violence, links from violence attitudes to aggressive behavior, and the role of leaders in enflaming or pacifying their followers.
The results reshape the study of modern American political behavior by showing that ordinary partisanship is far more volatile than scholars have recognized in the past century of study.
Dr. Lilliana Mason is an associate professor of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Dr. Kalmoe is interim associate dean for undergraduate studies and administration and an associate professor of political communication at LSU’s Manship School of Mass Communication and Department of Political Science.
You can pre-watch this one-hour video here.
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