Time in Reality Hertz

Martin Squibbs

Martin Squibbs

11 a.m., June 11, 2023

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We deal with time every day, in planning, ordering, and organizing our own lives, and in using it in the mathematical models of almost every branch of science, technology, and engineering. Yet despite this, what time is and what time measures remain largely a mystery to us. I’d like to present a possible solution.

I’ll start by considering the two worlds I believe we so often speak of and hold in mind. The first is familiar to us all and it’s our own world in mind, where we, our self, also reside. This world and this self, both in this mind, exist, I believe, within our brain. The second world is a little less familiar. It includes our mind, our brain, our body, in fact, all of life on Earth, all of the Earth, and our solar system, etc. This world then is the known Universe. I call it reality.

I believe that we frequently conflate these two worlds, and treat them the same, and that this can lead to false assumptions, and, of course, to being unable to distinguish their possible differences. So I’ll like to consider them separately. What are they? How do they behave? What is their relationship with one another? How might our two different branches of physics, classical and quantum, map onto their different realities? And of course inherent in all these questions and their answers; what is the nature of time in each of these worlds?

Finally, with this framework of reality in mind, I’d like to consider some of the mysteries, problems, and complex ideas that exist within physics and other disciplines, to see if they might work, and how they might work in such a framework. And could this framework offer fresh insights, more clarity, and possibly some solutions to them?

Martin was born in England in 1964 and graduated with a Degree in Electrical Engineering and Management from Imperial College, London in 1987. He moved to the US in 1994 and has held a career in the semiconductor industry, in various positions in design, marketing, and business development.

He had a love and fascination for clocks from an early age, which probably sparked his curiosity in time. He was never comfortable with the idea of time being a 4th dimension of space, and met a family friend in England one Christmas, Dennis Smout, who in response to his discomfort suggested “Well, maybe this moment is not in time, but rather time is in this moment”. This struck a chord in him that has rung true ever since, and launched him on his journey with time, to explore and uncover its true nature.


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