Climate restoration is ethical and affordable. Why aren’t we doing it already?

Peter Fiekowsky

Peter Fiekowsky

11 a.m., November 12, 2023

Meet Peter Fiekowsky at the Humanist Forum in the Mountain View Senior Center, where he will discuss and answer questions in person, OR join us on Zoom.

You remember learning about ice ages, right? Did you ever wonder why we can’t do the same thing that causes ice ages to cool our planet back to how it was?

In fact we can do that, but historical reasons took climate restoration off the table in 1992. It’s coming back on the table this year. Learn how it happens and how you can make it happen faster.

Peter Fiekowsky, author of Climate Restoration: The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race (2022), is an MIT-educated physicist and Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist with 27 patents. He has 30 years’ experience as a citizen lobbyist for poverty and climate issues, and recently has been working to build the organizations required to ensure the survival and flourishing of humanity. His mission is to leave a world we’re proud of to our children. To that end, he founded the Foundation for Climate Restoration, Methane Action, Stable Planet Alliance, the Climate Restoration Safety & Governance Board, and the Humanity Day organization.

11/12/23 Peter Fiekowsky from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists at the Mountain View Senior Center at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch. Help us make sure we have room for you. If you can join us in person, please email to let us know.

Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
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