Political Polarization: Can We Overcome It?

Carl Angotti

11 a.m., January 26, 2025

Join us this Sunday, either in person or online, as we welcome Carl Angotti to speak and lead a discussion.

Few countries face polarization as deep as America’s. Sometimes, conflicts seem insurmountable. We look at societal issues and political polarization, and it’s hard to see a way forward.

Democrats and Republicans used to disagree on policy issues — Disagreements are the normal, helpful tension that drives democracy. Today, each side of this polarity gap fears the other will destroy the nation if they achieve power. Partisanship becomes equated with patriotism, and destroying the other side becomes the ultimate goal. This is how democracies fall apart.

Join us for a lively discussion on how we might bridge the gaps between us and learn to see others as humans responding to experiences they have, not as gullible, stupid, irrational, or even evil.

Speaker Bio
Carl Angotti is the current Treasurer of the Humanist Community. He is a long-time member of the Community and has been active for over 30 years. He has spoken at several Forums in the past. Carl also characterizes himself as a member of the “Radical Middle” and wishes us to learn to break down the present political and personal barriers to the current divided political environment.
Carl consults in High Tech Product Development, and he holds an MBA from San Jose State University, an MSEE from the University of Southern California, and a BSEE from Carnegie-Mellon University.

01/26/2025 Political Polarization: Can We Overcome It? – Carl Angotti from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

Attend in Person:
Join fellow Humanists to consider the propositions in Milpitas Library Group Study Room B, 160 N Main St, Milpitas, CA 95035.
Often after our meeting, we find a nearby inexpensive eatery for a luncheon.
If you can join us in person, please email vp@humanists.org to help us make sure we have room for you. If you have symptoms that may be COVID, kindly attend on Zoom.


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