YouTube and Humanism

Jeff Justice

March 25, 2018

For most people, YouTube is a way to get music, pop culture, and cat videos. Delving deeper, you will find YouTube is so large that everyone can have a different experience. This talk is going to focus on the videos that relate to Humanist values, and show how amazingly creative they have been. The talk will discuss why the medium itself supports the tenets of Humanism.

Jeff Justice will also explain the economics of YouTube from the point of view of the video producer, the video viewer, the advertiser, and Google. He will talk about the sociology of the medium, and why economics aren’t always the driving force.

Jeff Justice has been a non-believer for 60 years and a Humanist for the last 10 years. He was schooled in physics at U.C. Irvine and Stanford and then in Management Science at Stanford. His career was spent in Silicon Valley making software for scientific instruments. A videographer since age 24, he was one of the first dads to get camcorders to film their kids. When YouTube appeared in 2005, he immediately saw its value.

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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