Kanungu, Uganda 1998-2018; From Christian Cult Massacre to Humanist Community

Hank Pellissier

April 29, 2018

Kanungu village in southwest Uganda was the headquarters of a Catholic apocalyptic cult 20 years ago. The group was annihilated in March, 2000 when hundreds of brain-washed devotees were locked in the church and burned alive by the leaders. Today 25-30% of Kanungu has “no faith” – a startling statistic in this extremely religious nation.

Hank Pellissier, director of the non-profit Brighter Brains Institute (BBI, www.brighterbrains.org), will explain how his organization (with the Kanungu Humanist Association, www.kanunguhumanists.org) provides humanist education to the village’s children and adults, via a humanist curriculum and The Freethinker Library. BBI’s humanitarian work will also be described: a Humanist Community Garden, Tilapia Pond, Passion Fruit Farm, and emergency food delivery.

Brighter Brains Institute built BiZoHa: the “world’s first atheist orphanage” in 2015 and it presently supports seven humanist schools in western Uganda.

Kanungu, Uganda 1998-2018; From Christian Cult Massacre to Humanist Community – Hank Pellissier from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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