Trump and the Constitution, Year Two

Professor Martin Carcieri

June 10, 2018

On January 7, 2018, Prof. Martin Carcieri spoke and answered questions at a Forum entitled “Trump and the Constitution”. (See

In this new talk, Prof. Carcieri will continue his discussion of constitutional issues the Trump presidency has raised, this time focusing on 2018 events.

Martin D. Carcieri is Professor of Political Science at San Francisco State University, specializing in Public Law and Political Theory. He holds a B.A. and M.A. from Cal State Los Angeles, a J.D. from UC Hastings, and a Ph.D. from UC Santa Barbara.

Dr. Carcieri teaches undergraduate courses in Judicial Process, American Political Thought, Legal Issues, Constitutional Law, and Jurisprudence, as well as graduate seminars on the First Amendment, Separation of Powers, Judicial Process, the U.S. Drug War, and John Rawls. He has won four teaching awards, and his work has been cited in amicus curiae briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court in five landmark cases. His second book, “Applying Rawls in the 21st Century: Race, Gender, the Drug War, and the Right to Die,” was published in 2015 by Palgrave MacMillan.

Trump and the Constitution, Year Two – Professor Martin Carcieri from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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