Bicycle Touring and Zero Waste

Tim Oey

11 a.m., December 8, 2019

Earlier this year, Tim Oey bicycled 5000 miles from San Francisco to Boston while giving 254 talks about Oceans, Plastic, Climate Change, and Kids at schools, aquariums, and museums across the US and raising money to combat climate change. Come learn about the wonders of bicycle touring, how his household of 3 people and 3 dogs generates just a quart of trash a month, and 5 easy things we all can do to save our world for our kids as well as save money. It’s really all about balance.

Tim is a long time cycling and environmental advocate. In addition to a long career in high tech at Harvard, Fidelity, Apple, Sun, and Adobe, he was the VP of Rides for the Charles River Wheelers in Boston, President of the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail, vice chair for the Sunnyvale Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, and a founding board member of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC). He often speaks at government meetings on behalf of bicyclists and the environment and is a bicycling instructor who loves to teach people how to bike and how to bike better.

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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