Dan Barker
6:30 p.m., September 9, 2022
Dan Barker is the co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), the nation’s largest freethought association with over 30,000 members. Dan will play the piano and sing many of his fine freethought songs to us and with us. He will also speak briefly on the topic “Losing Faith in Faith,” followed by Q&A, and will give us a quick update on FFRF’s important work.
After about 19 years as a minister and evangelist, Dan became a nontheist by 1984. He now leads FFRF with his equally legendary wife, freethought leader Annie Laurie Gaylor. FFRF is known as a prominent champion of the separation of church and state in the United States.
Dan has written numerous books and an astonishing array of nonreligious songs (see “Dan Barker music” on YouTube). He and Annie Laurie host Freethought Radio and Freethought Matters on TV.
This exciting event is free and will begin the evening with a simple dinner in the meeting room. ACSJ will provide lasagna, salad, vegetables, fruits, and snacks, plus a variety of drinks including beer and wine. Please let us know if you can help bring any of the above items or want to add something different to the potluck. Please arrive by 6:30 so that there is time to mingle and eat before the presentation begins at about 7:00-7:15.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to engage with Dan Barker in person. This joyous event is appropriate for people of all ages, including children of course.
Please be COVID-careful. If you are experiencing any symptoms that might be COVID, kindly skip this event for the sake of your fellow nonbelievers. We will have space to spread out in this large room. Wearing a mask is encouraged, when you are not eating, drinking, or singing.
The Atheist Community of San Jose invites members of other nonreligious groups to join us for this special event.
LOCATION: Sunnyvale Community Center, 550 E Remington Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
BUILDING: Recreation Center
ROOM: Community Room
PARKING: There is plenty of free parking in the Community Center lots
If you want to see more of Dan Barker, he will also be presenting in the North Bay on Saturday Sept 10 and in Sacramento on Sunday Sept 11 (Come Meet Dan Barker!, Sun, Sep 11, 2022, 1:30 PM | https://www.meetup.com/sacfan/events/287745212/)
RSVP on Meetup here.
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See videos of our past Forums here.
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