Miharu Alison Sato

What is a Healthy Diet?

Miharu Alison Sato 

September 22, 2013

Miharu Sato
Miharu Sato


Miharu Alison Sato (M.S., Registered Dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator, and a Health Educator for the Palo Alto Medical Foundation) will discuss what makes up a healthy diet.  The extent to which different types of meat, dairy products, and eggs can be part of a healthy diet, and what easily accessible and healthier substitutes for these foods exist (if any), will also be discussed.

The beautiful slides from this presentation are now available here.

You can also view the Harvard 7-Day Menu here.


Humanist Community Forum (2013-09-22): What is a Healthy Diet? (Miharu Alison Sato, M.S., R.D.) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.



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