Me and My Ego

Me and My Ego

Laura Mappin

June 8, 2014

Laura Mappin

The ego is the hardiest of all weeds — Robert Grant, author of Way of the Wound,

What kind of relationship do you have with your ego? How did you even get to learn that you had one? How do you manage it? Do you manage it? What tools or perspectives do you use?

For the first half of this forum, Humanist Community member Laura Mappin will share her trip in getting in touch with her ego and developing ways to manage it that now work well for her. This trip didn’t involve any religion or other pop self-help methods since she was quite wary of them.

For the second half, attendees will be invited to respond and share their stories along this topic.


Humanist Community Forum (2014-06-08): Me and My Ego (Laura Mappin) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.