Why Reality Needs a Religion (and Why Atheism isn’t Good Enough)

Why Reality Needs a Religion (and Why Atheism isn’t Good Enough)

Marc Perkel

July 27, 2014

Marc croppedMarc Perkel, founder of the Church of Reality, explains why Reality needs a religion and why Atheism isn’t good enough. In a perfect world Atheism becomes totally meaningless. No one cares what you don’t believe in, they care about what you do believe in. And what should you believe in? Reality!

Atheism needs Reality because without Reality there would be no place for God not to be real in. Realism is the science of understanding who we are, what our purpose is, and how we can live our lives in Right Relationship to Reality so that Reality doesn’t excommunicate us from existence.

So – Atheists – it’s time to put down your Bibles, quit talking about God, and start focusing on what is real rather than what isn’t real. If you know everything about nothing then you know nothing about everything.

You can watch the video of this most interesting presentation here.


Humanist Community Forum (2014-07-27): Why Reality Needs a Religion (and Why Atheism isn’t Good Enough) – Marc Perkel from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.