Celebrating Darwin — Darwin Day Plus

Dr. Robert Stephens, Arthur Jackson

February 14, 2016

In this Forum, Dr. Stephens will discuss how he invented Darwin Day and related promotional materials. Jackson will focus on how Darwin’s ideas open up the realm in which all human concerns, especially moral and ethics, must be studied and developed. Dr Stephens had a career with SRI, and has strongly supported the Secular Student Alliance, American Humanist Association (AHA), and HCSV. Mr. Jackson has been an active Humanist since discovering the AHA in 1962. He is the author of “How to Live the Good Life: A User’s Guide for Modern Humans”, and is currently the President of HCSV.


Humanist Community Forum (2016-02-14): Celebrating Darwin — Darwin Day Plus (Dr. Robert Stephens, Arthur Jackson) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.