The Human Basis of Laws and Ethics

Fred Edwords

September 25, 2016

The American Humanist Association uses “Good without a God” as its motto. But how does one actually do that? Doesn’t morality require some absolute point of reference, such as a god? If not, where do moral values come from? And without that ultimate reference point, how can we argue that one course of action is more virtuous than another? Fred Edwords (former AHA Executive Director, Humanist magazine editor, and United Coalition of Reason national director, and current AHA director of planned giving) will show how our laws, ethics, and morality turn out to be rooted in human experience and make no sense outside of it.


Humanist Community Forum (2016-09-25): The Human Basis of Laws and Ethics (Fred Edwords) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.