Benefit Corporations

Hosted by Arthur Jackson

October 29, 2017

Longtime Humanist Community member and leader Arthur Jackson will introduce the concept of a Benefit Corporation, and then show a 30 minute video of a HCSV Forum talk by John Montgomery on Benefit Corporations from 3/31/13 ( Mr. Jackson will then host the Q&A period, drawing from John’s article in the May/June 2014 issue of The Humanist magazine ( which Mr. Jackson helped make possible by connecting John with Jennifer Bardi, the editor of The Humanist.

Mr. Jackson would like to promote the idea of Benefit Corporations, which give corporations a conscience so they benefit all of society – not just the investors. Mr. Jackson’s goal is to find a way to develop pressure groups to spread the idea of benefit corporations and the power they have to change the whole world through using economies fairly. In contrast, traditional corporate law often forces corporations to stand in opposition to a society’s best interests.

Humanist Community Forum (2017-10-29): Benefit Corporations (Arthur Jackson) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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