Academic Videos

Video Group Humanist Community meeting for 17 Aug, 7 PM

We are currently holding our meetings online via Zoom. If you wish to join us, please go to, click on Video Meeting and sign up for the meeting.  You will then be shown the Zoom link to the meeting.

We have also shifted to showing various videos on a variety of topics of interest to Humanists and Progressives. We select topics to watch and specific videos on specific topics we select the week before.

=== Current Videos ======

Join us in viewing videos and discussing them afterward.

This Week: Videos for 4 July, 2024 7:05 pm – 9 pm
Crash Course Sociology
Socialization: Crash Course Sociology #14 – 9:35
Last week we introduced the idea of socialization and today we’re talking a little more about how it works, including an introduction to five main types of socialization. We’ll explore anticipatory socialization from your family, the “hidden curriculum” in schools, peer groups, the role of media in socialization, and we’ll discuss total institutions and how they can act as a form of re-socialization.THE ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR: Braver Angels Military Group – 43:23 (presentation), 1:56:18 (the whole event)
A meaningful discussion on the current Israel-Hamas war and other interwoven, complex and wide-ranging Middle-East topics.
The Braver Angels military and veterans group hosts a discussion on the strife in Gaza and the Middle East. We’ll talk geography, politics, perspectives, and possible solutions.
Event Chair: Tedman Getschman
Steve Plotkin, Vice President and National Board Member of Volunteers for Israel
Daniel Pomerantz, CEO of
READ FOR MORE CONTEXT (see more at Israel-Palestine page):
Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It? – March 26, 2024
By John Spencer, chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point
The Data Show Israel Is Not Causing a Gazan Famine – April 05, 2024
By Awi Federgruen, the chair of Columbia Business School’s Decision. Risk and Operations Division and an expert in logistics and data science, and
Ran Kivetz, the Philip H. Geier Professor at Columbia Business School and an expert in decision making
Without a plan from the government, IDF gains in Gaza will be lost – June 21, 2024
By Yaakov Katz, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) and a former editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post


Previous Videos

23 May – They Chose Freedom – Ep.01: Society Against the State

Crash Course Sociology
How We Got Here: Crash Course Sociology #12

4 April – Richard Dawkins On God, Sex, Race – 41:34
A lovely chat with the famous atheist and evolutionary biologist.

21 Mar Crash Course Sociology
Crash Course Sociology Preview – 1:19
What Is Sociology?: Crash Course Sociology #1 – 9:41



14 May 23 – Robert Reich’s 2023 UC Berkely Lectures on “Wealth and Poverty in America”

29 Dec 22 – Language Families of the World. In Language Families of the World, Professor John McWhorter of Columbia University takes you back through time and worldwide, following the linguistic trails left by generations of humans that lead back to the beginnings of language. Utilizing historical theories and cutting-edge research, these 34 astonishing lectures will introduce you to the prominent language families of the world and their many offspring, including a variety of languages that are no longer spoken but provide vital links between past and present……. from The Great Courses notes

15 June – 1177 B.C.: When Civilization Collapsed | Eric Cline – 1:31:29 (Greg, Michael)
In the 12th century BCE, the great Bronze Age civilizations of the Mediterranean—all of them—suddenly fell apart. Their empires evaporated, their cities emptied, their technologies disappeared, and famine ruled. Mycenae, Minos, Assyria, Hittites, Canaan, Cyprus—all gone. Even Egypt fell into a steep decline. The Bronze Age was over.
The event should live in history as one of the great cautionary tales, but it hasn’t because its causes were considered a mystery. How can we know what to be cautious of? Eric Cline has taken on the mystery. An archaeologist-historian at George Washington University, he is the author of “1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed.” The failure, he suggests, was systemic. The highly complex, richly interconnected system of the world tipped all at once into chaos.

“1177 B.C.: When Civilization Collapsed” was given on January 11, 02016, as part of Long Now’s Seminar series. The series was started in 02003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking from some of the world’s leading thinkers. The Seminars take place in San Francisco and are curated and hosted by Stewart Brand.
We’ll watch the second half

12 May – Lukashenko: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) – 18:40 (Scott) 5,902,807 views, Sep 12, 2021,  John Oliver discusses the longtime leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and the many reasons his country’s citizens have not to like him.


America’s New Great-Power Competition with China
Chapter Two: Global Hotspots and Great-Power Rivals with Condoleezza Rice

7 Apr – Video We Watched – Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer – 1:14:15
John J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Science and Co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, assesses the causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best way to end it, and its consequences for all of the main actors. A key assumption is that in order to come up with the optimum plan for ending the crisis, it is essential to know what caused the crisis. Regarding the all-important question of causes, the key issue is whether Russia or the West bears primary responsibility.

17 Mar 21 – Watched a video on the Debate on “The Minimum Wage” by two noted economics professors.

We have stopped, for the time being, watching videos from the Teaching company.

Ended Feb 2020 – “Effective Communication Skills, Course No. 9331
Professor Dalton Kehoe, Ph.D., York University

Ended in October 2019The Great Ideas of Philosophy” presented by Daniel N. Robinson.

Ended Sept 2018 “A Brief History of the World” presented by Prof. Peter Stearns

Ended May 2018 “Optimizing Brain Fitness” presented by Professor Richard Restak, M.D.

Ended April 2018 “The Great Ideas of Psychology” with Daniel N. Robinson, Ph.D., , Georgetown University

Ended Sept 2017 “Earth’s Changing Climate”, by Professor Richard Wolfson, Ph.D., Middlebury College.

June 2017 “Great Philosophical Debates: Free Will and Determinism”, Professor Shaun Nichols, Ph.D., University of Arizona

March 2017 “Foundations of Economic Prosperity” by Daniel W. Drezner, Ph.D., Tufts University

Jan 2017 “Effective Communication Skills” by Professor Dalton Kehoe, Ph.D.
York University

Oct 2016 “Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History” by  John R. Hale, Ph.D., University of Louisville

2016 May  “Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond”, Professor Scott P. Stevens, Ph.D., James Madison University

2015 November “The Higgs Boson and Beyond”, Professor Sean Carroll, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology DVD

Timespan Series title Lecturer or host Medium
2016 Feb / 2015 Dec Robotics Professor John Long, Ph.D. University of Oklahoma DVD
2015 Aug / Sept The World Was Never the Same: Events That Changed History University of Oklahoma, Washington University in St. Louis DVD
2013 Jul – Oct 31 The Secret Life of Words:  English Words and Their Origins Anne Curzan 36 DVD
2013 Jun – 2013 Jul Mr. Lincoln: Life of Abraham Lincoln Allen C. Guelzo 12 DVD
2013 Feb – 2013 Jun The World of Byzantium Kenneth W. Harl 24 DVD
2012 Dec – 2013 Jan Tocqueville and the American Experiment William R Cook 24 DVD
2012 July – 2012 Nov Human Prehistory and the First Civilizations Brian M. Fagan 36 DVD
2012 APR – 2012 July Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths of Language Usage John McWhorter 12 DVD
2012 Mar – 2012 Apr Experiencing Hubble: Great Images of the Universe David M Meyer 12 DVD
2012 Feb – 2012 Mar Thinking like an Economist: Rational Decision Making Randall Bartlett 12 DVD
2011 Oct – 2012 Jan Argumentation David Zarefsky 24 DVD
2011 Aug – 2011 Oct Great Thinkers, Great Theorems William Dunham 24 DVD
2011 May – 2011 Aug No Excuses: Existentialism and the Meaning of Life Robert Solomon 24 DVD
2011 Feb – 2011 May The Will to Power: The Philosophy of Frederich Nietzsche Robert Solomon & Kathleen Higgins 24 DVD
2010 Dec – 2011 Feb Origins of Life Robert M Hazen 24 DVD
2010 Sep – 2010 Nov Buddhism Malcolm David Eckel 24 DVD
2010 Apr – 2010 Aug Mathematics, Philosophy, and the “Real World” Judith V Grabiner 36 DVD
2010 Mar – 2010 Apr Science and Religion Lawrence M Principe 12 DVD
2010 Feb – 2010 Mar Consciousness and its Implications Daniel N Robinson 12 DVD
2009 Oct – 2010 Jan Understanding Genetics: DNA,Genes, and their Real-World Apps David Sadava 24 DVD
2009 Jun – 2009 Oct The History of the Supreme Court Peter Irons 36 DVD
2009 Apr – 2009 Jun Understanding the Fundamentals of Music Robert Greenberg 16 DVD, 45 min
2008 Nov – 2009 May Understanding Linguistics: The Science of Language John McWhorter 36 DVD
2008 May – 2008 Nov The Great Ideas of Philosophy Daniel N Robinson 50 tape
2008 Jan – 2008 May Psychology of Human Behavior David W Martin 36 DVD
2007 Sep – 2008 Jan Great Scientific Ideas that Changed the World Steven L Goldman 36 DVD
2007 August (3 wks) A Brief History of Disbelief Jonathan Miller 3 tape
2007 May – 2007 Aug Passions: Philosophy and the Intelligence of Emotions Robert C Solomon 24 DVD
2007 Jan – 2007 May The Story of Human Language John McWhorter 36 DVD
2006 Sep – 2006 Nov Science Wars: What Scientists Know and How They Know It Steven L Goldman 24 DVD