Palestine-Israel: How the Conflict is Covered

Sharat G. Lin, Ph. D.

12/10/23 Dr. Sharat Lin from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

Sharat G. Lin, Ph. D.

11 a.m., December 10, 2023

Join Sharat G. Lin, Ph. D., in Mountain View, where he will discuss and answer questions, OR join us on Zoom.

From the coordinated effort to forge the State of Israel through to the present humanitarian catastrophe, controlling the narrative has been crucial to shaping outcomes. Those narratives are asymmetrically propagated not so much by what is reported than by what is not reported.

Dr. Lin writes and lectures on global political economy, the Middle East, and public health. He has been to Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel several times, and been an eyewitness to some of the great upheavals of the Arab World. He is affiliated with Human Agenda, the San José Peace and Justice Center, and the Initiative for Equality.


You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists at the Mountain View Senior Center at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch. Help us make sure we have room for you. If you can join us in person, please email to let us know.

Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
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California Motherlode Gold Country

Susan Shalit

Susan Shalit

11 a.m., December 3, 2023

Join Susan Shalit in Mountain View, where she will discuss and answer questions, OR join us on Zoom.

A journey from my experiences traveling to and from and living part-time in the Motherlode town of Jamestown, CA for the past 8 years. It is a very rich area of California in history, geography, geology, animal life, literature, music, art, and scenic value. If you grew up in California, most likely you know about the famous 49er Gold Rush. I will go into how to get there, places to stop, side trips, etc. I will touch on some of the many places, people, and items of interest that I have experienced so far. I am continually learning about this area so there is much more to explore only 2 ½ hours from the Bay Area.

About our speaker
Susan Shalit was born in Boston, MA, the youngest of four children. At 18 months her family relocated to the SF Bay Area where she went to school and then went on to the University of California at Berkeley to graduate with a degree in Economics. After graduation, she went to SF State for a teaching credential working with the disabled but decided to take a break and become a letter carrier for the USPS in Berkeley. At the same time, as a single person, she bought her first house in Oakland where she tore out walls, re-tiled floors, painted, and did some electrical and plumbing. Her father taught her a lot about house repair. Her mother taught her to cook without recipes. She does some gardening, indoors and outdoors. Realizing that she needed to go beyond the postal service and house rebuilding, she took a course in software programming and, for over 40 years, has worked as a computer programmer/software engineer/Sr. Business Analyst in the IT industry for major corporations. This brought her to live in Silicon Valley, continuing to buy and fix houses and own an independent coffee house in Gilroy. She has one son and three teenage grandchildren. In 2015, she bought a 2nd house in the Motherlode area of California where she visits every other week. She loves to explore new places and entertain.

Susan has been an HCSV member for over 30 years where she was a board member. For HCSV she evaluated and installed a membership management system that eliminated manual renewals, created an effective attendance monitoring system, designed and produced name badges for members, organized many events, hosted many potlucks, designed and created posters, flyers, and the HCSV trifold brochure. She was the primary administrator for many years of the database system and helped author the membership page of the HCSV webpage. In 2019, she received the HCSV Humanist of the Year award.

Most recently she co-hosted a very successful concert/educational event in the Motherlode area which involved extensive research in Native American culture, food, dance, and music. She designed and produced the graphical promotional materials and online references for the event. She also volunteers at a Los Gatos thrift store that donates to Pacific Clinics, a large family services, and foster care agency, Railtown Historical Park in Jamestown, the Tuolumne County History Research Center, and the Tuolumne County Center for the Arts.

See Susan’s slides here.

12/03/23 Susan Shalit from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists at the Mountain View Senior Center at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch. Help us make sure we have room for you. If you can join us in person, please email to let us know.

Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
No password is needed — our host will admit you from the waiting room. Joining the meeting via the link will download and install the Zoom app on your desktop computer (if it’s not already installed), and then take you to the meeting. You can also install the Zoom app on your computer or smartphone, and then enter:
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Passcode: 250634

You can also call any of the following phone numbers and then enter the above Meeting ID and the Passcode in order to join the meeting by phone.
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
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Housing Crisis: Causes and Consequences

Ilya Gurin

Ilya Gurin

11 a.m., November 26, 2023

Join Ilya Gurin in Mountain View, where he will discuss and answer questions, OR join us on Zoom.

The media are abuzz with talk about a so-called housing crisis. This talk will try to shed some much-needed light on this very complex topic. I will address three questions:
1. What laws and societal choices did we make that created the situation?
2. What are the consequences?
3. What can we do about it?
Spoiler: we’ve been moving in this direction for a long time, the consequences are severe and varied, and the solutions are difficult and complex. We will only have time to scratch the surface in this short talk, but I hope that everyone will learn something valuable!

Ilya Gurin has lived in California since 1991, the Bay Area since 2003, and Mountain View since 2010. He has an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and works at TDK-InvenSense trying to find and catch the next wave of miniaturized sensors. In his spare time, he’s a volunteer lead with South Bay YIMBY, a chapter of YIMBY Action. His other hobbies include nature and history.

11/26/23 Ilya Gurin from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists at the Mountain View Senior Center at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch. Help us make sure we have room for you. If you can join us in person, please email to let us know.

Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
No password is needed — our host will admit you from the waiting room. Joining the meeting via the link will download and install the Zoom app on your desktop computer (if it’s not already installed), and then take you to the meeting. You can also install the Zoom app on your computer or smartphone, and then enter:
Meeting ID: 816 5389 0712
Passcode: 250634

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Bioethics Past and Present

Rafa Escandon

Rafa Escandon

11 a.m., November 19, 2023

Hear Rafa Escandon in Mountain View, where he will discuss and answer questions online, OR join us on Zoom yourself.

Bioethics (or Medical Ethics) has emerged and developed rapidly as an independent (but interdependent) discipline from standard ethics since WWII. While the Nazi doctors trial and atrocities brought to light many previously unthinkable transgressions, a developing discipline actually pre-dated the Nazi regime with respect to protections of human subjects in research. The late 20th and 21st centuries have brought rapid and significant development in the understanding of biology, genetic engineering and therapeutics. Each of these areas (and many others) if not carefully considered, can impact our functioning as a civil society. Some examples of past, present and potential future cases will be presented for a (hopefully) robust and interactive discussion.

Rafael (Rafa) Escandon is currently a consultant for research ethics and clinical research and development to the biotechnology industry. Most recently he was the senior vice president of medical affairs, policy, and patient engagement at BridgeBio Gene Therapy and has worked in global clinical research and development and patient advocacy for nearly 30 years. Rafa’s approach is to be highly considerate of the ethical implications of conducting and participating in clinical research, especially in rare diseases and in vulnerable and developing-world populations. He serves as adjunct faculty in the Department of Medical Ethics at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, as well as at the Children’s Mercy Kansas City/UMKC School of Medicine Pediatric Bioethics Center. He was also previously adjunct faculty at the University of California Berkeley’s Clinical Research Management Program and as an educator in human rights and justice.

11/19/23 Rafa Escandon from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists at the Mountain View Senior Center at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch. Help us make sure we have room for you. If you can join us in person, please email to let us know.

Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
No password is needed — our host will admit you from the waiting room. Joining the meeting via the link will download and install the Zoom app on your desktop computer (if it’s not already installed), and then take you to the meeting. You can also install the Zoom app on your computer or smartphone, and then enter:
Meeting ID: 816 5389 0712
Passcode: 250634

You can also call any of the following phone numbers and then enter the above Meeting ID and the Passcode in order to join the meeting by phone.
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
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Climate restoration is ethical and affordable. Why aren’t we doing it already?

Peter Fiekowsky

Peter Fiekowsky

11 a.m., November 12, 2023

Meet Peter Fiekowsky at the Humanist Forum in the Mountain View Senior Center, where he will discuss and answer questions in person, OR join us on Zoom.

You remember learning about ice ages, right? Did you ever wonder why we can’t do the same thing that causes ice ages to cool our planet back to how it was?

In fact we can do that, but historical reasons took climate restoration off the table in 1992. It’s coming back on the table this year. Learn how it happens and how you can make it happen faster.

Peter Fiekowsky, author of Climate Restoration: The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race (2022), is an MIT-educated physicist and Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist with 27 patents. He has 30 years’ experience as a citizen lobbyist for poverty and climate issues, and recently has been working to build the organizations required to ensure the survival and flourishing of humanity. His mission is to leave a world we’re proud of to our children. To that end, he founded the Foundation for Climate Restoration, Methane Action, Stable Planet Alliance, the Climate Restoration Safety & Governance Board, and the Humanity Day organization.

11/12/23 Peter Fiekowsky from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists at the Mountain View Senior Center at 266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch. Help us make sure we have room for you. If you can join us in person, please email to let us know.

Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
No password is needed — our host will admit you from the waiting room. Joining the meeting via the link will download and install the Zoom app on your desktop computer (if it’s not already installed), and then take you to the meeting. You can also install the Zoom app on your computer or smartphone, and then enter:
Meeting ID: 816 5389 0712
Passcode: 250634

You can also call any of the following phone numbers and then enter the above Meeting ID and the Passcode in order to join the meeting by phone.
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
You can find international phone numbers to call here.


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