The Unexpected Belle La Follette: Progressive Model for 2016

Prof. Nancy C. Unger

January 10, 2016

In doing the research for her new book Belle La Follette: Progressive Era Reformer, Santa Clara University Associate History Professor Nancy C. Unger discovered that the work of previous historians (including herself!) had drastically underestimated this great humanist (1859-1931). Come discover the surprising truths about the radical reformer denounced as “disgraceful to the white race” who fought for votes for women, peace, civil rights…and more. This presentation, richly illustrated by PowerPoint images, will present Belle La Follette as a model of progressive reform for 2016.


Life, Death, & The World (with a little Happiness thrown in)

James Hilgendorf

January 3, 2016

James Hilgendorf ( is a filmmaker, speaker, and the author of ten non-fiction books. He and his wife Elizabeth have been practicing Buddhism for forty-three years with the Soka Gakkai International ( He will discuss:

Arnold Toynbee – State of the world. Where are we heading three thousand years from now?
Physics: The shift from classical to quantum. Holograms. You are the Center.
Death. Leo Tolstoy, and the Light at the End of the Tunnel.
Happiness: Relative and absolute. Not what you’d expect. Love of fate. There are no negatives.


Humanist Community Forum (2016-01-03): Life, Death, & The World (with a little Happiness thrown in) – James Hilgendorf from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Astrology…Alchemy…Religion: Science Marches On!

Arthur Jackson

December 27, 2015

Presenter Arthur Jackson, current president of HCSV, has been an active Humanist since discovering the American Humanist Association in 1962. He has spent the bulk of his life working to convince Humanists that religion (from a naturalistic perspective) is almost the opposite of what Atheists and Christians think it is. In this talk he draws from his book, “How to Live the Good Life: A User’s Guide for Modern Humans,” to clarify how science works and how the future of humanity depends on bringing religion into the domain of science.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download


Humanist Community Forum (2015-12-27): Astrology…Alchemy…Religion: Science Marches On! (Arthur Jackson) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.