Astrology…Alchemy…Religion: Science Marches On!

Arthur Jackson

December 27, 2015

Presenter Arthur Jackson, current president of HCSV, has been an active Humanist since discovering the American Humanist Association in 1962. He has spent the bulk of his life working to convince Humanists that religion (from a naturalistic perspective) is almost the opposite of what Atheists and Christians think it is. In this talk he draws from his book, “How to Live the Good Life: A User’s Guide for Modern Humans,” to clarify how science works and how the future of humanity depends on bringing religion into the domain of science.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download


Humanist Community Forum (2015-12-27): Astrology…Alchemy…Religion: Science Marches On! (Arthur Jackson) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Music & Magic

Chris Lindstrom

December 20, 2015

Longtime Humanist and Camp Quest West ( founder Chris Lindstrom, her banjo and accordian sidekick are bringing the music and social activities. You bring the magic as you sing along, making music together! Expect an eclectic combination of camp songs, folk songs and Freethought songs – a rollicking good time!

Instant Innovation Through “The Synergy Effect”

Dr. Michelle Chappel

December 13, 2015

In today’s increasingly fast-paced world we are constantly searching for the next great innovative idea. This talk explores how “the synergy effect” can help us find it by combining concepts and insights across two or more domains to produce a creativity sweet spot that is greater than the sum of its parts. We will discuss how this fertile overlap of areas spawns fresh thinking, original products and services, and the creation of new fields. We will review why multidisciplinary teams solve problems and generate breakthrough ideas more often than homogeneous groups, and why individuals with skills in different fields are more creative than specialists. You will learn how to think across boundaries and find your own personal synergy effect. Dr. Michelle Chappel will discuss (see

DH7M9D Michelle Chappel Drawing Hope Celebrity Charity Gala held at Mark - Arrivals Los Angeles California - 18.03.12


Humanist Community Forum (2015-12-13): Instant Innovation Through “The Synergy Effect” (Dr. Michelle Chappel) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Slow Down

Susan Cabrera

December 6, 2015Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Whether or not you participate in the end of year holidays, they affect everyone–the hustle, bustle, and sometimes the overloaded frenzy of the season can be unsettling. In this talk, author and lecturer Susan Cabrera will teach ways to reduce stress during this period. She will include poetry recitations from her book Life in the Fast Lane and will be available to sign books. Susan has her masters degree in Counseling Psychology with emphasis in behavior modification from Stanford (where she has also been a counselor and clinical researcher). She is currently an executive management consultant for county governments.

Freethought Talent Event!

Hosted by Sena Havasy

November 29, 2015

We seek music, dance, poetry, skits, whatever you would like to share with us from around the Freethought community. Creativity Sunday is an annual event of the Humanist Community. We prefer original works but a reading of something you like is welcome also. Contact Sena Havasy at or 408-739-5638.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-11-29): Freethought Talent Event! (hosted by Sena Havasy) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.