National Popular Vote

Scott Drexel

October 18, 2015

Scott Drexel from the National Popular Vote campaign, will discuss the National Popular Vote bill, which would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in the entire United States. The bill preserves the Electoral College, while ensuring that every vote in every state will matter in every presidential election. See film

Humanist Community Forum (2015-10-18): National Popular Vote (Scott Drexel) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Creating Change Through Humanism

Roy Speckhardt

October 11, 2015

American Humanist Association Executive Director Roy Speckhardt will give a talk about, and host a book signing for, his new book, Creating Change Through Humanism, just published by Humanist Press. Speckhardt will explore the modern state of humanism and how our forward-thinking outlook, with its emphasis on critical thinking and self-reflection, can be at the forefront of pressing social issues.

Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Humanist Community Forum (2015-10-11): Creating Change Through Humanism (Roy Speckhardt, AHA Exec. Dir.) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


A Discussion of the Humanist Community in Silicon Valley

Moderated by Paul Gilbert

October 4, 2015

HCSV member Paul Gilbert will moderate this Forum, which is designed to provide every member and friend of the Community the opportunity to contribute his or her ideas about how we can be most effective in achieving the purposes and aims of humanism in our Community and beyond. Please attend, share your ideas, and learn from fellow humanists.

Alternatives to the Medical Model for Treating the Elderly

Richard O. Duda

September 27, 2015

Few doctors are choosing to be trained for geriatric care. As a result, the elderly are often treated using the so-called medical model: determine the most life-threatening problem and treat it. The medical model prioritizes maintaining life at all costs. But it is failing elderly patients with serious illnesses. 25% of Medicare spending is for 5% of patients in their final year of life, and most of the expensive treatments provide little real benefit (see However, there are alternatives that focus on making the remaining days as good as possible. Richard O. Duda will discuss these issues.

Creating Change Through Humanism

Paul Gilbert and Arthur Jackson

September 20, 2015

Longtime Humanist Community members and leaders Paul Gilbert and Arthur Jackson will explore the ideas in the new book by Roy Speckhardt (Executive Director of the American Humanist Association) entitled “Creating Change Through Humanism”. Jamie Raskin says about this book, “Roy Speckhard’s book is a compelling invitation for people to engage actively in social and political life as humanists. ‘Creating Change Through Humanism’ will speak powerfully to the hearts and minds of tens of millions of Americans who may not have a church but definitely have a calling to participate as citizens and moral actors in the challenges of our time.”