A Documentary Illuminating Homelessness

Ron Garret

May 10, 2015

Ron Garret (a software engineer and entrepreneur) will discuss and show excerpts from his feature length documentary “Grace of God”, which follows the lives of four long-term homeless men as the filmmaker struggles to understand what put them on the street, what is keeping them there, and what he might be able to do about it.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-05-10): A Documentary Illuminating Homelessness (Ron Garret) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Understanding Our World – The Reality of the Human Mind

Martin Squibbs

May 3, 2015

The evidence of neuroscience is revealing that most likely our conscious, thinking and feeling self, and our mind (which contains our past memories, knowledge and understanding, our future possibilities, and much more), are both in fact part of our remarkable, complex, living human brain. Humanist Community member and Board Vice-President Martin Squibbs will present a model of how he believes our mind, and our memories, function and form, and how such knowledge and awareness of ourselves might help human kind progress.

Changing the Conversation on Poverty

Arlette Vargas-Ali

April 26, 2015

Arlette Vargas-Ali (Director of Strategic Partnerships, International Justice Mission) will discuss IJM’s global efforts to protect the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors and strengthen justice systems. The largest organization of its kind, IJM combats slavery, sex trafficking, rape, police brutality, property grabbing and other forms of violence in nearly 20 communities throughout Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Southeast Asia.

(See www.IJM.org, www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRrWpmIaW6U, and www.ted.com/talks/gary_haugen_the_hidden_reason_for_poverty_the_world_needs_to_address_now)

Humanist Community Forum (2015-04-26): Changing the Conversation on Poverty (Arlette Vargas-Ali) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Systemic Racism and the Black Lives Matter Movement

Mahnani Clay

April 19, 2015

Mahnani Clay moved to San Francisco four years ago and has solidly planted herself in the communities she strives to serve. She started out volunteering in direct services supporting formerly incarcerated women. She now holds leadership roles with both the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club and the San Francisco Black Leadership Forum. She is the Director & Founder of Project CHEER (Community Helping Everyone Encourage Restoration), a community engagement project dedicated to strengthening community connections and amplifying voices that cry out for social justice in support of children, families and communities impacted by incarceration and criminal justice involvement.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-04-19): Systemic Racism and the Black Lives Matter Movement (Mahnani Clay) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


What Molecular Biology Teaches Us About Being Human

Dr. Peter Schattner

April 12, 2015

Dr. Peter Schattner (an award-winning scientist, educator and writer with over 30 years of research experience in molecular biology, genetics, medical instrumentation and physics) will discuss and answer questions about his recent book “Sex, Love and DNA”. The idea of his book is to show how 21st-century molecular biology is beginning to answer age-old questions about the human experience, such as how we make our choices in sex and love, how we communicate, where our emotions come from, and why we age and die. (See www.peterschattner.com)

Humanist Community Forum (2015-04-12): What Molecular Biology Teaches Us About Being Human (Dr. Peter Schattner) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.