A Conversation About Sex in 2019

Liz Figueroa & Courtney Macavinta

11 a.m., September 29, 2019

Think you know everything there is to know about sex ed and sexual health in 2019? Come hear about the most recent “facts of life” with two leaders from Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (PPMM), former California State Senator Liz Figueroa, and the CEO and Co-Founder of The Respect Institute, Courtney Macavinta.


Sen. Liz Figueroa (ret.) was an award-winning California legislator for 12 years before becoming Vice President for External Affairs of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (PPMM), the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country, headquartered in San Jose, California.

Since Ms. Figueroa began her tenure with PPMM in 2011, she has been instrumental in advocating for legislation that has significantly improved access to essential reproductive health care for tens of thousands of women, men and teens in the affiliate’s mid-California and Northern Nevada service region.

Most recently, Ms. Figueroa supervised the PPMM advocacy team in both California and Nevada that sponsored landmark bills to increase state funding for family planning services. Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak and California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed this legislation in 2018.

Among the dozens of awards and honors Ms. Figueroa has received throughout her career, she is particularly proud to have been named one of the Top Ten Latinas in the United States by numerous health and Hispanic publications.


Courtney Macavinta is the visionary who started The Respect Institute’s mission more than a decade ago. She is a domestic violence survivor whose multi-racial family struggled for respect amid issues like substance abuse, incarceration, high-school dropout and teen pregnancy. As a young adult, her mission became to create a world where “respect for all” is the status quo. A nationally recognized youth development expert and award-winning journalist, Courtney is co-author of the best-selling book, RESPECT, and led the creation of groundbreaking self-respect building tools, such as The Respect Basics, used by more than 50,000 youth and their influencers in schools, jails, and prevention/intervention programs around the globe for the past decade. She’s been featured by CNN, ABC, National Public Radio, USA Today, Teen Vogue and tapped as a resource by the White House and the Clinton Global Initiative. In 2015, she was appointed to the Juvenile Justice Commission for Santa Clara County, California. Courtney has a B.A. in Journalism from San Francisco State University and is a certified professional co-active coach (CPCC).


After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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Humanist Values and the November 2018 California Ballot Propositions-Pros/Cons/Supporters/Opponents/Money Source

The HCSV Social Action Committee

October 21, 2018

Note: This Forum will be held at Hacker Dojo, 3350 Thomas Road, Suite 150, Santa Clara, CA 95054. Click here for a map.

What are your values that influence the way you vote? Are some of these values in conflict with each other? The 11 California Ballot Propositions will be presented by six members of the Social Action Committee:

Helen Athey
Kakoli Banerjee
Pam Erwin
Alex Havasy
Cherie Long
Jim Naylor

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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Dr. Robert Stephens Award, and 2018 AHA Annual Conference Report

Paul Oh (from NCSE), and several HCSV Members

July 8, 2018

Dr. Robert Stephens will be awarded a National Center for Science Education (NCSE, ncse.com) “Friend of Darwin” award for 2018. “The continued vitality of Darwin Day celebrations across the country — and around the world — is in large part due to Bob Stephens’s success in establishing the Darwin Day program,” said NCSE’s Ann Reid in the announcement of the award. See below for more information about the award.

The award presentation will be followed by a description and discussion of the American Humanist Association (americanhumanist.org) Annual Conference (which was held in Las Vegas, May 17-21, 2018) by HCSV attendees of the Conference.

More information about Dr. Robert Stephens’ award

Paul Oh, Director of Communications of NCSE, will present the award.

Here is the press release from NCSE about the award:

The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is proud to bestow its Friend of Darwin award upon Robert Stephens, a cell and molecular biologist who dreamed up Darwin Day (darwinday.org), a now international annual celebration.

In 1995, Stephens helped organize the first Darwin Day event at Stanford University, with a keynote address from the discoverer of “Lucy,” Donald C. Johanson.

Along with Amanda Chesworth and Massimo Pigliucci, Stephens then formed a non-profit organization to ensure the continuance of Darwin Day celebrations and to promote and coordinate the events. It was eventually absorbed by the American Humanist Association, which now promotes and coordinates International Darwin Day.

Darwin Day is now celebrated by colleges and universities, schools, libraries, museums, churches, civic groups, and just plain folk across the country—and around the world—seeking to honor Charles Darwin’s legacy and to engage in public outreach about science, evolution, and the importance of evolution education. All thanks to the work of Robert Stephens.

Dr. Robert Stephens Award, and 2018 AHA Conference Report from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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Making the Future of The Humanist Community in Silicon Valley

A Discussion with the Board of Directors

May 27, 2018

This is the opportunity for all of us to discuss and participate in determining the future of our Community – where we are and what we want to become. Our Board of Directors will be making a report on our current status and plans for our future. Come with your critiques, and your hopes and dreams for our Community.

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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The June 5th Calif. Ballot Props – Pros/Cons/Supporters/Opponents/Money

The Social Action Committee

May 13, 2018

This Forum will be presented by the Social Action Committee, as listed below, along with short proposition summaries.

Proposition 68 – Issues $4 billion in bonds for parks, environmental protection, and water infrastructure (Cherie Long)

Proposition 69 – Requires certain tax and fee revenue related to transportation be used for transportation purposes (Helen Athey)

Proposition 70 – Requires a one-time two-thirds vote to use revenue from the cap and trade program for specific projects reducing global warming and air pollution (Jim Naylor)

Proposition 71 – Changes the date for when voter-approved ballot measures take effect (Bernice Onuoha)

Proposition 72 – Excludes rainwater capture systems from property tax assessments (Alex Havasy)

San Jose Evergreen Senior Housing Initiative and other local ballot measures (Kakoli Banerjee)

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

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