Brother Sam in Silicon Valley

Brother Sam

Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist

(Roger Scott Jackson)

January 13, 2013

Brother Sam
Brother Sam

Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist:  Writer-actor Roger Scott Jackson’s satiric  Sam Singleton is a comedic character, not a comedian. His shows are best  described as one-person theater pieces with audience participation. The 2012  premiere of Cats, Sheep and Goats: The Taxonomy of Atheists, Believers and  Preachers marks his fifth work in as many years.

Those with strong views on the existence or nonexistence of God may see what  Brother Sam does as activism, though he insists that his aim is simply to get  some stuff off his chest. He says, “Somebody else, who had to deal with snake- handling tongues-speakers as a child, might become a  homicidal maniac or a teacher at a Bible College. I talk to the world’s most  astute ticket-buyers.”

For more information check the web site:

Unfaithful Men in History
(Men who abuse their spouses,
or Men who cheat)

Ken Abraham

January 6, 2013

Ken Abraham
Ken Abraham


Exploration of various characters in history and fiction who feel guiltless in their treatment of women including the English King Henry VIII, the actor Errol Flynn and Ovid, a Roman poet who glorified the abuse of women.  The talk was followed by many and varied comments from the Humanist Community.   The only common theme seemed to be that women, and in fact all of us, would benefit from a better balance between women and men of both economic and social power.


Humanist Community Forum (2013-01-06): Unfaithful Men in History (Ken Abraham) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose

Michelle Chappel, Ph.D., is an internationally acclaimed musician, businesswoman and speaker

December 16, 2012

Michelle Chappel

  After being voted “Most Inspirational Psychology Professor” at UC Santa Cruz, she ditched academics to be a singer-songwriter.  She writes, “In these times, we all need to be able to develop a second act to be happy and prosperous. This talk blends psychological, mythological and scientific perspectives, along with the instructor’s personal experience with change, to show you how to leave the past behind and re-create yourself. You will learn how to discard bad habits and old belief systems that no longer serve you, build the courage to go after your dreams, and persist through setbacks. You will be shown ways to establish a support system as you change, stick to your vision despite nay-sayers and self-criticism, and create a life that expresses who you truly are.”

You can view Michelle’s slides here.  They also include information about her albums which are available on iTunes.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-12-16) – Reinvent Yourself: Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose (Dr. Michelle Chappell) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Solar Energy

Rick Devlin

December 9, 2012

Rick Devlin

Environmental benefits of solar power are well known. Financial benefits of solar in California are not as well understood. Mark Thomas and Rick Devlin will discuss these and other aspects of solar energy.

The cost of photovoltaic panels has dropped dramatically in the last 4 years, and is now less than 25% of their cost in 2008.  With high, tiered residential electric rates in California, photovoltaic systems usually deliver excellent monthly cash flow if financed, or provide superb, low risk Return On Investment for a cash transaction.

Mark Thomas

Learn the details!  View the presentation!


Humanist Community Forum (2012-12-09): Solar Energy (Rick Devlin) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


A Mind of My Own: memoir of recovery from Aphasia

Harrianne Mills

December 2, 2012

Harrianne Mills

A Mind of My Own is a dramatic true story of one woman”s recovery from traumatic brain damage following a motorcycle accident in Greece. Facing far more than broken bones and physical impairments, this classical antiquity professor had lost what was most important to her: her ability to successfully use language. This insightful and moving memoir begins with her awakening from a coma and not recognizing family members and follows her journey of recovery. Using journal entries, medical records, letters, and more, she tells her story from multiple perspectives. In a process reminiscent of the literary ascent in Flowers for Algernon, her journal entries illustrate her remarkable journey and provide an intimate narrative of what it takes to become a whole person again after severe brain damage. Her successful step-by-step struggle to return to a normal life is a reminder of what the human spirit is capable.

Harrianne and her son, Lucas, are active in the Family Program at HCSV.  We are very fortunate that she will be sharing her amazing story with us.  Her book is also available at the Forum.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-12-02): A Mind of My Own: memoir of recovery from Aphasia (Harrianne Mills) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.